Physics, Applied and Interdisciplinary Physics

Speaker : Shahin Sheikh-Jabbari, IPM, Tehran, Iran

The standard classification of sciences and human knowledge is generically a either subject-wise or based on the methodology used. In this classification physics is one of basic, empirical sciences. Physics is about to uncover and formulate laws of nature and natural phenomena. Therefore, the borderline between physics and other sciences and human knowledge is not a bold and pronounced one. Given the fast advancement in the frontiers of human knowledge, topics which are coming to the area of interdisciplinary sciences, especially in the recent ten-twenty years, has been changing as fast. The relation between physics and other sciences, depending on the topic can be different: its relation with other basic sciences is generically two-ways, with engineering sciences or medicine is generically one-way (applications of physics in them) and with modern human sciences is more toward providing quantitative formulations and setups. In this talk, I will briefly go over through applications and relations of physics and four other branches of science, basics sciences, engineering, medicine and human sciences.